Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Secret Milions traffic to your website everyday

* The "Buddy System" Method -- a simple trick for getting other people to send you traffic... and do so happily and willingly (Warning: this might be considered "black-hat")

* The Leech Method -- how to use the name of the most visited websites in your niche to pick off all of their traffic "leaks", and divert them to your page... while simultaneously putting them into a "buying mind state"

* Free Forum Banner Ads Method -- use the "dumb niche" technique to find hot and active forums that -- with the right approach -- will let you place banner ads for FREE (no one is using this!)

* The "Daily Event" Method -- every single day there are certain "special events" taking place all over the internet... and when you know the shortcut, you'll be able to enter into them at will, winning hundreds of visitors with each "event"

CLICK HERE to get the e-book and EARN money by downloading it.

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